
Catalina Island!

In case you didn't yet know, Ryan's new calling is the Ward Mission Leader! One of the perks is we get to travel to Catalina to visit our spanish branch out there :) Catalina is technically within our ward boundaries, so we have a small branch on the island. Sunday we took the ferry out after Sacrament and spent the day out there! I got super sea sick on the way over unfortunately...but i took some Dramomine for the ride back and was okay thankfully. the branch didn't meet till 4pm so we had a couple hours to walk around and take some fun picures!.... To see more of our favorite shots, check our Photography Blog.





this might be a more flattering picture if i actually stood up straight! haha




Mendy said...

My Cindel,you are so cute there looking at the seagull! Love that purse too! How fun that you were able to take a trip to Catalina, you will have to tell me all about it. Love you lots and lots and can't wait to be together this weekend!

The Special Reds said...

What? Catalina is in your ward boundaries? That is so cool! Joel and I really want to go there sometime. I might see you this weekend--we don't know if we're coming yet.

Devin and Kelly said...

cindel and ryan i loce your pictures! and cindel i love your outfit!